the newest artnet-Software for uDMX is based on the development environment Processing.
Processing is based on Java, so Java has to be installed to use this software.
Processing creates code for the operating systems Windows, Linux and MaxOSX. So i have created the first uDMX-Artnet receiver for MacOSX. It is untested as i dont have a Mac.
After downloading the files unzip them whereever you want. Depending on your operating system you have to start:
uDMXArtnetP5 shows the received data. This is perfect for contolling but also uses some CPU. So when uDMX runs correctly make the window as small as possible.
On the page SETUP you can configure uDMXArtnetP5. Changes will affect the software after pressing the button <SAVE>.
Choose the number of channels as small as possible as this will increase the refresh-rate (read uDMX-Timing)